The All-Class Alumni Day hopes to be back in 2024 with a full program of alumni events! We will post news as it becomes available. See other Class reunions noted below:
Upcoming Class Reunions:
Class of 1969 Mike Morrison writes to the SAA: We had such a blast at the last reunion (and several informal ones in between) that it seems right to do this again. It's a little way off, but all you cosmopolitan folks who have extensive plans should put this on your calendar now and PLAN TO BE THERE! We're looking forward to seeing you again.
When: September 28, 2024
Where: Penmar Golf Course on Rose Avenue just down the hill from where my house was. You all remember where that was, don't you? (Some sweet young Sergeanettes, seem to have been able to find it on the occasions of various snatch breakfast).
Cost: We're working on that.
Honchos: The usual. A committee is being formed (and re-formed and re-formed) under our President for Life Steve Mount. Anyone who can help, please contact Steve at [email protected] or myself Mike Morrison at [email protected]
Class of 1975 (50-year Reunion) Class of 1975 Reunion Info! I am getting things together early for our 50th reunion in a few years. Please send me your current emails to be sure you’re all included in the reunion updates! With sadness I also ask that if you know of any classmates who have passed away, please advise me of this as well. Send all info to: [email protected]. Please keep in touch! — Lisa Lenes (‘75).